Friday, August 21, 2009

Finally Arrived

Well today as i was getting the mail i received a large package from Hasbro. I knew it was my Transformers!! I got Voyager Long Haul and Deluxe Ice Cream Twins. Both very nice figures, i love them, definitely pick them up. I will be reviewing them shortly, Twins then Long Haul.


  1. I`m definently getting Longhaul. Lets see if you can convince me to get The Twins.

    Package from Hasbro?

    Did you order them directly from Hasbro.

  2. he ordered fom you didn't get from Hasbro they just make it n your case.

    and im getting both of these

  3. Actually i did order them direcly from Hasbro last month.

    Im doing my Twins review soon.

  4. Cool.

    I`m sad that i wont get to get Voyager Longhaul because i live in the UK :(

  5. O man that stinks. you can order him from Thats what i did. I live in the U.S so its easy for me to get wave four. Like Arcee, Swerve, Stalker Scorpinok, and both the Breakaway and Sideways variants i saw at Kohls. Also i got Grindor from Target.
